Members (to be updated):
Bosch, Anna. Advanced Optical Microscopy Unit. CCiTUB
Colombelli, Julien. IRB. Parque Científico de Barcelona
Mallabiabarrena, Arrate. Advanced Light Microscopy Unit. CRG. Barcelona
Navarro, Diego. IIB. UAM – CSIC
Navarro, Enrique. SCSIE. Universidad de Valencia
Peña, Esther. ICCC. Hospital San Pau. Barcelona
Priego, Sonia. Hospital Clínico Universitario. Universidad de Valencia
Ribas, Juan Luis. Servicio de Microscopía. . Universidad de Sevilla
Sánchez, Lucía. IIB. UAM – CSIC
Sánchez Martín, Carlos . CBMSO. UAM-CSIC.
Seisdedos, Mª Teresa. CIB. CSIC – Madrid
Torrejón, Benjamín. Advanced Optical Microscopy Unit. CCiTUB
Urbiola, Ainhoa.
Aspects covered:
List of the services (instrumentation, techniques, software etc…) offered by REMOA members, rating and classification of technology.
Study possibilities to unify into a common system in the future.
Study how to offer access in and out REMOA.
Coordinate Technological Forums in an open and participative context.
Together with members of the coordination group, the accessibility group works on designing the content of the database (available from this website) to provide all possible information about the instruments, techniques and training available in Spain.
October 9th, 2012:
We have released an online survey, meant to be permanently open to all scientists in Spain, to inquire about the Available resources and the future needs in Optical Microscopy and Digital Imaging of the research staff in Biology and Life Sciences.
The survey is addressed to all research groups in Spain, with the only condition of accepting only one answer per research group.
Preliminary results will be published in this page in Spring 2013 (questions to the author: julien(dot)colombelli(at)irbbarcelona(dot)org).