SPAOM- Spanish and Portuguese Advanced Optical Microscopy Meeting
Toledo, 20-22 November 2024
NEW! 31st July Abstract Submission Oral Communications, Posters and Flash Talks Deadline
NEW! 31st July Early Bird Registration Deadline
Dear Imaging Scientists,
We invite you to participate in the 8th edition of SPAOM2024, the Spanish and Portuguese Advanced Optical Microscopy Meeting. This year the congress will take place at the Congress Palace of the beautiful Toledo on November 20-22, 2024.
SPAOM is an International Meeting powered by the Iberian imaging community (REMOA in Spain and PPBI in Portugal) which aims to build a vibrant community of microscopy experts, including world-leading scientists and technology developers for whom microscopy is an empowering tool in their life science research
This year the Scientific and Organizers committees have elaborated an attractive meeting including Plenary Lectures, Flash Talks, Poster Sessions, Round tables, Community Workshops, Industry Workshop, User-Developer sessions, and other activities to network and boost collaborations.
SPAOM Hallmarks:
- Scientific Sessions: An international speakers panel will talk about Mesoscopic imaging, Functional Imaging, Nanoscopy, Correlative Microscopy and Image and Data analysis.
- Community Workshops: with topics about Open Hardware in Microscopy, AI in Image Analysis, Image quality and reproducibility, in vivo optical imaging methods, Multimodal Integration and Correlative Imaging, Nanoscopy and Spatial Biology.
- Industry Workshop: Sponsors will organise an industry workshop to show their latest developments
We encourage you to come and present your work to a microscopy expert audience and have the opportunity to discuss and share your thoughts and expand your microscopy network.
Registration and Abstracts Submission is now open!
- Registration is OPEN
- Early Bird Registration, until 31st of July.
- Abstract submission for oral Communications, Posters and Flash Talks is OPEN! ****Deadline 31st of July****
Please, check all the information about the Meeting at:
We look forward to seeing you in Toledo!
On behalf of the Organizing Committee